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34. Grube N. Chichen Itza and Ek Balam: Terminal Classic Inscriptions from Yucatan / N. Grube, A. Lacadena Garcia-Gallo, S. Martin // Notebook for the XXVIIth Maya Hieroglyphic Forum at Texas, Part II. – Austin: University of Texas, 2003. – P. 22–27.

35. Grube N. Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Northwest Yucatan. An Update of Recent Research / N. Grube // Hanns J. Prem (Hrsg.): Escondido en la selva, arqueología en el norte de Yucatán. – Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, D. F., 2003. – P. 339–370.

36. Grube N. Reading between the lintels: hieroglyphic texts from Chichen Itza and its neighbors / N. Grube, R. Krochock // Twin Tollans: Chichen Itza and Tula, and the epiclassic to early postclassic Mesoamerican World. – Washington D.C.: Dumbarton oaks, 2007. – P. 205–249.

37. Hellmuth N.M. Wood that has lasted thousand years. Lintels and vault beams in maya temples and palaces, the example of the main palace, Santa Rosa Xtampak, Campeche / N.M. Hellmuth. – Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 1989. – 54 p.

38. Kowalski J.K. The Historical interpretation of the inscriptions of Uxmal / J.K. Kowalski // Fourth Palenque round table. – San Francisco: Pre-Columbian art research institute, 1980. – P. 235–247.

39. Lacadena Garcia-Gallo A. The Glyphic Corpus from Ek’ Balam, Yucatan, Mexico / A. Lacadena Garcia-Gallo. – FAMSI, 2004. – 126 p.

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42. Masson A.M. In the Realm of Nachan Kan: Postclassic Maya Archaeology at Laguna De On, Belize / A.M. Masson. – University Press of Colorado, 2015. – 342 p.

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44. Miller A.G. Archeological investigations at Tulum and Tanach, Quintana Roo Mexico. A progress report of the 1947 season / A.G. Miller // Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility. – Berkeley: University of California. 1947. – No. 18. – P. 137–148.

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49. Robertson M.G. Chichen Itza: El Palacio de las Columnas Esculpidas / M.G. Robertson. – FAMSI, 1996. – 57 р.

50. Saunders N.J. Symbolizing Tezcatlipoca / N.J. Saunders, E. Baquedano // Tezcatlipoca: trickster and supreme deity. – Colorado: University Press of Colorado, 2014. – P. 9–14.

51. Schmidt P. Inscriptions and Iconography of CastilloViejo, Chichen Itza / P. Schmidt, D. Stuart, B. Love // The PARI journal. – 2008. – Vol. IX, № 2. – Р. 1–17.

52. Seler E. Codex Borgia. B.1 / E. Seler. – Berlin, 1904. – 353 s.

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54. Shaw J.M. Quintana Roo Archaeology / J.M. Shaw, J.P. Mathews University of Arizona Press, 2005. – 308 p.

55. Taube K.A. The major gods of ancient Yucatan / K.A. Taube. – Washington D.C.: Dumbarton oaks research library and collection, 1997. – 160 p.

56. Vail G. Re-Creating Primordial Time: Foundation Rituals and Mythology in the Postclassic Maya Codices / G. Vail, C. Hernandez. – University Press of Colorado, 2013. – 552 p.

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59. Voss A. K’ak’-u-pakal, Hun-pik-tok’ and the Kokom: The Political Organization of Chichen Itza / A. Voss, J. Kremer // The Sacred and the Profane: Architecture and the Identity in the Maya Lowlands. – Acta Mesoamericana 10, Verlag Anton Saurwein, Möckmühl, 2000. – Р. 149–181.

60. Witschey W.R.T. Encyclopedia of the Ancient Maya / W.R.T. Witschey. – Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. – 540 p.

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