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c. 14 Shutterstock.com, c. 47 Shutterstock.com, с.70 Shutterstock.com, с. 90 erichon/Shutterstock.com, с.100 Shutterstock.com, с.109 Shutterstock.com, с.117 Shutterstock.com, с. 120 Dietmar Temps/Shutterstock.com, с.123 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, с.128 InnaFelker/Shutterstock.com, с. 135 Shutterstock.com, с. 136 Shutterstock.com, с.146 East News, с. 151 Shutterstock.com, с. 152 Mohamed Elsayyed/Shutterstock.com, с.153 Legion-Media, с. 154 Sadik Gulec/Shutterstock.com, с. 156 Shutterstock. com, с. 160 фото из книги «Speech by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda, General Idi Amin Dada» 1973 г., с. 161 Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division Washington, с. 164 Legion-Media, с. 166 photo collection, National Archives of Romania, с. 172 Legion-Media, с. 173 LegionMedia, с. 194 (2) Shutterstock.com, с. 199 Legion-Media, с. 203 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, с. 341 Shutterstock. com, с. 342 Shutterstock.com, с. 345 Shutterstock.com, с.373 фото из книги «Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa» 1836 г., с.392 Ullstein bild/Vostockphoto, с. 393 Legion-Media

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